
Mass Effect 2 Female Shepard Romance Options

Looking for a Mass Effect romance guide? Shepard meets plenty of dashing individuals from various species on their mission to save the galaxy, and it's no secret that if you play your cards right with a few of them, you might be able to do a no apparel hug in the cargo hold.

Your romantic choices and relationships carry over across the three games, but you need to bear in mind the events that take identify between them (spoilers alee, you've been warned) and then, don't expect your space waifu or husbando from ME1 to popular back up in ME2 as if cypher happened.

In ME2, you can choose to remain faithful to your ME1 love interest, or get to know one of your electric current squadmates a little more intimately. Fifty-fifty if you do this, you lot can reignite your relationship with your ME1 paramour in ME3, and suspension up with your ME2 clasp – the final game is where things get a little complicated, every bit there are so many variables at play. Luckily, we're hither to help you navigate Shepard's love life.

Mass Effect ane romances

In Mass Effect i, female Shepard tin can romance either Kaidan or Liara. Male Shepard can romance either Ashley or Liara. Aside from these chief romances, yous can likewise experience a romance scene with the Asari Consort on the Citadel. If you complete her quest chain and express disappointment with the standard reward she gives you, she'll brand sure you exit, er, satisfied.

Mass Consequence i Kaidan/Ashley romance

On Eden Prime, depending on Shepard's gender, either Kaidan or Ashley become caught in the pull of the Prothean buoy. If yous want to romance them, reassure them, and continue to speak to them after each primary mission – the two of you lot develop a flirtatious relationship.

Shortly later recruiting Liara, your man love involvement asks if Shepard is interested in her – if you say you are, this ends the romance with Kaidan/Ashley. On Virmire, you must determine whether to rescue Ashley or Kaidan from the nuclear nail; unsurprisingly, leaving your love involvement behind too ends your relationship with them. Hard to come back from that.

After the Normandy is placed in lockdown, Kaidan or Ashley approaches you with reassurance, at which bespeak you can break things off past pursuing the Renegade path. Otherwise, earlier the mission on Ilos, they visit your room – Paragon choices result in a romantic cutscene, and Renegade choices plow them away, though they will still carry over to the side by side game as a romantic relationship.

Liara, one of the romance options in Mass Effect

Mass Event 1 Liara romance

If you lot're looking to romance Liara, don't leave her recruitment mission on Therum as well belatedly – if you visit Therum after Virmire, there volition be no fourth dimension to establish a relationship.

Soon after yous recruit Liara, she hints at having a romantic involvement in you, which you can encourage. Continuing to flirt with her and Ashley/Kaidan at the same time results in a confrontation afterward the adjacent principal mission is complete, in which they enquire you to choose between them. Yous can suggest dating both of them, but the human character is disgusted by your insensitive proffer, and leaves – Liara, nevertheless, can all the same be romanced.

After completing the iv main mission planets and returning to the Citadel, Liara reassures you, and unless you respond with Renegade choices, your relationship is confirmed. This as well means she'll turn upward in your quarters on the way to Ilos, at which point you can accept or decline a romance scene past choosing Paragon or Renegade answers, respectively.

Mass Effect 2 romances

In Mass Effect 2, your human relationship from ME1 will exist imported, and Shepard will keep a photo of them on their desk. You won't have your ME1 lover by your side throughout the game, so you can choose to start upwardly a relationship with someone new, at which signal Shepard turns the photograph on their desk face downward. Alternatively, yous can remain loyal to your original partner, and Shepard volition look fondly at their photograph before the terminal mission.

Male Shepard can romance Miranda, Tali, or Jack. Female person Shepard tin can appointment Jacob, Garrus, or Thane. These are the main romances that unlock the Paramour achievement, but in add-on to these, either Shepard tin can romance Kelly Chambers, flirt with Samara, or sleep with Morinth, if you're feeling incredibly brave (and have a backup of your save file).

The main romances are progressed throughout the story by speaking to the crew member in question after each mission. At a certain signal, you unlock their loyalty mission, which you must complete in gild to progress your human relationship. After flirting for a while, there will be a conversation in which you're able to 'lock in' your romantic preference, closing off your other options. If you lot romanced Liara in ME1, when you run into her once again equally part of the Shadow Broker DLC, y'all'll exist able to reaffirm your relationship.

Mass Issue two Miranda romance

To romance Miranda, flirt with her after every mission, and be certain to complete her loyalty mission. If you don't have enough Paragon or Renegade points to smooth things over between Jack and Miranda without choosing a side, you lot'll be unable to romance Miranda if you side with Jack.

The lock-in indicate for Miranda's romance is when she asks you to talk, and says, "I don't know what this is…" – at this point, you can either ostend the human relationship with – "It'due south more than that" – or interruption it off.

Tali, one of the romantic options in Mass Effect

Mass Effect two Tali romance

The Tali romance becomes available once you complete her loyalty mission, and Tali makes her interest in you articulate. You tin reciprocate here, simply the romance isn't locked in until the chat where she says "I've been thinking about the last fourth dimension we talked". You can avert locking the romance in by proverb "And then you're non interested?" and "I need to call back about this." Be certain to not to side with Legion during their disagreement, as well.

Mass Effect 2 Garrus romance

Anybody'southward favourite Turian can be romanced – hooray. Information technology doesn't matter what choice you make during his loyalty mission, but after information technology'south complete, chat to him about easing the tension of boxing. In the chat after that, you'll be able to lock in the romance.

Mass Consequence 2 Jacob romance

To begin a romantic human relationship with Jacob, start a personal chat with him after his loyalty mission, and choose the more flirtatious options to advance the relationship. Afterwards this, there are 2 more personal conversations – at the end of the tertiary, choose "I do" to lock the romance in.

Mass Effect 2 Thane romance

In order to brainstorm a romance with Thane, you must successfully complete his loyalty mission. After this, select romantic options in each conversation that follows – the relationship will lock in after selecting "I want y'all Thane" and "I treat you too".

Mass Effect 2 Jack romance

It'south possible to have a coincidental romantic see with Jack before long later you lot meet her, but this will prevent you from inbound into a relationship. Otherwise, continue to flirt with her later on each mission – you can lock in the romance during the conversation that begins with Jack saying "I want to talk about us".

Mass Effect ii Kelly romance

This is ane of the additional romances available in the game, and doesn't affect any other relationships. If she survives the Collector base, she asks for an invite to your cabin, after which she performs a dance for you lot.

Mass Upshot 2 Samara romance

Samara isn't a true romance pick, as she can't reciprocate your feelings until after the mission. You must exist a Paragon Shepard who is not in a romantic relationship with anyone else, and finish her loyalty mission.

Morinth, one of the romantic options in Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2 Morinth romance

If you side with Morinth during Samara's loyalty mission and recruit her instead, you lot can sleep with Morinth afterward the final mission. This is an interesting choice on your behalf, equally Morinth kills everyone she sleeps with, and even though she says you might be strong enough to survive… surprise! You lot're not.

Mass Effect 3 romances

Alright, Shepard, yous've got a lot on your plate here – and we're not merely talking about the Reaper invasion. There are then many potential candidates for smooching, so pay attention. Aslope the possibility of continuing a romantic relationship from a previous game – if they're even so alive, of course – there are also plenty of new opportunities for dearest. Some of these relationships are only possible if you carry them over from the previous games.

Female Shepard tin can proceed a romance with Thane or Garrus from ME2, beginning one with Samantha Traynor, and accept a coincidental run into with Javik or James Vega. Male person Shepard can continue to romance Miranda, Tali, or Jack, continue or start a relationship with Ashley, or start one with Steve Cortez. Both Shepards are able to go on a romantic relationship with Kelly Chambers or Samara, start or continue 1 with Kaidan or Liara, or start ane with Diana Allers. Got that? Good.

Yous tin can flirt with multiple people at once, merely there will exist an opportunity to lock a romance in later down the line, which influences the final scenes.

Miranda, one of the romantic options in Mass Effect

Mass Issue 3 Miranda romance

To continue a romance with Miranda, you must import a ME2 save file in which the two of you had a relationship. When you reunite, you lot can reaffirm your relationship, and then meet in a individual room for an intimate chat.

Mass Event 3 Tali romance

If you imported a save from ME2 in which you romanced Tali, she invites y'all to her quarters after the diplomatic talks with the Admiralty Board, where you can choose to keep your relationship. You can lock in the romance by bringing her to your chambers – brand certain you do this before Rannoch. After battling the Reaper on Rannoch, you must stop Legion from uploading the information, otherwise Tali tin can't behave to go on living, and the romance volition end. Afterward reclaiming Rannoch, Tali gives Shepard a photo of herself sans mask – this has been updated for the Legendary Edition to exist more than lore-friendly.

Tali joins Shepard in his quarters before the final mission, and they spend the night together. If Shepard hasn't romanced Tali or Garrus, the 2 will enter a relationship together instead.

Mass Effect 3 Ashley romance

You can enter into a relationship with Ashley regardless of whether y'all romanced her in ME1, provided she survived. While she is in the hospital, your conversations with her vary depending on whether y'all remained faithful to her in ME2. Purchase her the Tennyson book from Sirta Supplies, and choose her to come aboard the Normandy. Somewhen, she asks to meet on the Citadel, at which point you can lock in the romance.

Garrus, one of the romantic options in Mass Effect

Mass Effect 3 Garrus romance

Garrus is merely available to romance in ME3 if y'all import a salvage where you romanced him in ME2. After meeting him on Menae and bringing him onto the Normandy, he asks if she's still interested in him, at which betoken you can interruption things off or continue the relationship. On the Citadel later, Garrus asks Shepard whether she wants to commit to him – confirm this to lock in the romance.

Mass Effect 3 Jack romance

If you romanced Jack in ME2, you lot'll meet her at Grissom Academy, where she immediately punches yous in the face and then kisses you. When you lot chat with her again on the Citadel in the Purgatory Bar, you can choose whether to keep or cease your human relationship.

Mass Effect iii Steve romance

To romance Steve, comfort him on the loss of his belatedly hubby. In the Purgatory Bar, the two of y'all tin can trip the light fantastic toe together, culminating in a kiss – you can lock in the romance here.

Mass Effect 3 Thane romance

We propose you to have tissues at the set up. If you import a ME2 relieve in which you lot romanced Thane, you'll be able to visit him in the hospital and kiss him. Later the set on on the Citadel, he requires emergency surgery. Shepard is able to bring together Thane's son, Kolyat, in prayer in Thane's final moments.

Samantha Traynor, one of the romantic options in Mass Effect

Mass Effect 3 Samantha romance

To start a romance with Samantha, invite her to your cabin, and join her in the shower. If this occurs earlier you visit the Citadel, you are locked into a romance with her. If you already have a romantic partner when she comes to your motel, yous play chess together instead.

Mass Effect 3 Kaidan romance

If you romanced Kaidan in ME1, yous'll talk over that relationship during the mission to Mars. If you lot oasis't romanced him yet, you lot can get-go the relationship by buying him a canteen of whiskey. Either style, the romance can be locked in when they caput to Apollo's Cafe for a drinkable.

Mass Effect 3 Kelly romance

You can but romance Kelly if you were with her in ME2. She'southward now living in the Citadel refugee military camp – advise her to change her identity, or else she is killed when Cerberus attacks. After this, you can visit her on the Citadel, and she'll requite you a moving picture of herself for your cabin.

Mass Effect 3 Jacob romance

Sorry, Shepard – Jacob has moved on and institute honey elsewhere, fifty-fifty if yous romanced him in ME2. You can hash out your relationship with him, just there's no winning him back.

Liara, one of the romantic options in Mass Effect

Mass Upshot three Liara romance

If Shepard romanced Liara in ME1, afterward the Council meeting Liara will enquire if they are still interested, and whether Shepard is willing to break up with their ME2 partner. Agree to continue the romance. Continue to flirt with her, and the relationship can be locked in on the Citadel, after the Cerberus set on.

Mass Effect iii Diana romance

During the second interview with Diana, if Shepard doesn't have some other romance locked in, the ii can flirt and kiss. However, Diana does not become a fully-fledged relationship, and there are no farther cutscenes. You can complete this scene and then pursue some other relationship after, with no bear upon on the other party – unless you're besides dating Liara, in which example she chastises you.

Mass Upshot 3 Samara romance

In order to romance Samara, Shepard must take attempted to woo her in ME2, must besides exist Paragon, and must abstain from relationships with anyone else. You lot can invite her to your apartment and chat – if you say yous're surprised how strongly yous felt upon seeing y'all once again, the two of yous cover or osculation.

Mass Effect 3 Javik romance

If she has no romantic relationships, female Shepard may wake up side by side to Javik post-obit the party on the Citadel.

Mass Outcome iii James romance

If she has no romantic relationships, and flirts with James in their flat, female Shepard may wake upwards side by side to James after the Citadel party.

That's all the Mass Effect romance options nosotros've got for you – good luck, and make sure to get some tips from Mordin Solus on interspecies, uh, compatibility. If you're considering getting together with someone new on your adjacent playthrough, find out when you should exist taking them on missions with our Mass Effect Legendary Edition mission order listing – and why non check out our Mass Issue face codes guide for your next Shepard. We've got the best Mass Effect Legendary Edition mods to spice things upwards, also.

Mass Effect 2 Female Shepard Romance Options,


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